A good weather team battle on Shoddy UU Ladder against player "Sheep."
I don't like Sandstorm or Hail teams in UU, because thanks to their access to Hippopotas, Snover, and Chansey, those two particular weather type teams essentially turn UU into OU lite. I honestly feel it's sad that Smogonites are so desperate for their precious auto-weather, that they resort to the NFE's that grant them such a lame advantage.
This team is based on the current NU tier list at the Shuten Dojo's sister forum, based entirely on the NU project. Comment or PM if you're interested in joining- we're considering moving to LiveJournal in hopes that we may get more publicity there, and we're switching out to a new rotation of Pokemon in July- we rotate out to a new tierlist every two months. The metagame is surprisingly stable, and I encourage you to join. We need the members, and creative minds are in demand.-----===============------==============-----ShineV.S.Sheep-----===============------==============----- Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
Sheep sent out Hippopotas (lvl 100 Hippopotas ?).
Shine sent out Rapidash (lvl 100 Rapidash ?).
Hippopotas's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
A sandstorm brewed!
Hippopotas used Protect.
Hippopotas protected itself!
Rapidash used Hypnosis.
Hippopotas protected itself!
The sandstorm rages.
Rapidash is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rapidash lost 6% of its health.
Rapidash used Hypnosis.
Hippopotas fell asleep!
Hippopotas is fast asleep!
The sandstorm rages.
Rapidash is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rapidash lost 6% of its health.
Sheep switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's intimidate cut Rapidash's attack!
Rapidash used Sunny Day.
The sandstorm stopped.
The sun began to shine!
The sun continues to shine.
Shine switched in Tropius (lvl 100 Tropius ?).
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
It's not very effective...
Tropius lost 41% of its health.
Hitmontop's defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's special defence was lowered.
Hitmontop lost 10% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
Tropius used Swords Dance.
Tropius's attack was sharply raised.
Hitmontop used Stone Edge.
It's super effective!
Tropius lost 59% of its health.
Shine's Tropius fainted.
Hitmontop lost 10% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
Shine switched in Rapidash (lvl 100 Rapidash ?).
Hitmontop used Mach Punch.
Rapidash lost 45% of its health.
Hitmontop lost 10% of its health.
Rapidash used Flare Blitz.
Hitmontop lost 71% of its health.
Sheep's Hitmontop fainted.
Rapidash was hit by recoil!
Rapidash lost 23% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
Sheep switched in Hippopotas (lvl 100 Hippopotas ?).
Hippopotas's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
The sun faded.
A sandstorm brewed!
Rapidash used Sunny Day.
The sandstorm stopped.
The sun began to shine!
Hippopotas is fast asleep!
The sun continues to shine.
Sheep switched in Regirock (lvl 100 Regirock).
Rapidash used Solarbeam.
It's super effective!
Regirock lost 38% of its health.
The sun continues to shine.
Regirock's leftovers restored its health a little!
Regirock restored 6% of its health.
Sheep switched in Hippopotas (lvl 100 Hippopotas ?).
Hippopotas's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
The sun faded.
A sandstorm brewed!
Rapidash used Solarbeam.
Rapidash takes in sunlight!
The sandstorm rages.
Rapidash is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rapidash lost 6% of its health.
Rapidash is trapped!
Shine: ...?
Hippopotas is fast asleep!
Rapidash used Solarbeam.
It's super effective!
Hippopotas lost 100% of its health.
Sheep's Hippopotas fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Rapidash is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rapidash lost 6% of its health.
Sheep switched in Cacturne (lvl 100 Cacturne ?).
Rapidash used Hypnosis.
Cacturne fell asleep!
Cacturne is fast asleep!
The sandstorm rages.
Rapidash is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rapidash lost 6% of its health.
Rapidash used Sunny Day.
The sandstorm stopped.
The sun began to shine!
Cacturne is fast asleep!
The sun continues to shine.
Sheep switched in Regirock (lvl 100 Regirock).
Rapidash used Flare Blitz.
It's not very effective...
Regirock lost 18% of its health.
Rapidash was hit by recoil!
Rapidash lost 3% of its health.
Shine's Rapidash fainted.
The sun continues to shine.
Regirock's leftovers restored its health a little!
Regirock restored 6% of its health.
Shine switched in Golduck (lvl 100 Golduck ?).
Golduck used Substitute.
Golduck lost 25% of its health.
Golduck made a substitute!
Regirock used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
The sun continues to shine.
Regirock's leftovers restored its health a little!
Regirock restored 6% of its health.
Golduck used Surf.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Regirock lost 62% of its health.
Sheep's Regirock fainted.
The sun continues to shine.
Sheep switched in Shaymin (lvl 100 Shaymin).
Shaymin used Seed Flare.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Golduck!
Golduck's substitute faded!
Golduck used Substitute.
Golduck lost 25% of its health.
Golduck made a substitute!
The sun continues to shine.
Shaymin used Seed Flare.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Golduck!
Golduck's substitute faded!
Golduck used Substitute.
Golduck lost 25% of its health.
Golduck made a substitute!
The sun continues to shine.
Shaymin used Seed Flare.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Golduck!
Golduck's substitute faded!
Golduck used Substitute.
Golduck lost 25% of its health.
Golduck made a substitute!
The sun continues to shine.
Golduck's Salac Berry raised its speed!
Golduck used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Shaymin lost 54% of its health.
Shaymin used Seed Flare.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Golduck!
Golduck's substitute faded!
The sun faded.
Golduck used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Shaymin lost 46% of its health.
Sheep's Shaymin fainted.
Sheep switched in Chansey (lvl 100 Chansey ?).
Golduck used Surf.
Chansey lost 16% of its health.
Chansey used Seismic Toss.
Golduck lost 1% of its health.
Shine's Golduck fainted.
Chansey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Chansey restored 6% of its health.
Shine switched in Monferno (lvl 100 Monferno ?).
Monferno used Substitute.
Monferno lost 25% of its health.
Monferno made a substitute!
Chansey used Toxic.
But it failed!
Chansey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Chansey restored 6% of its health.
Monferno used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Chansey lost 96% of its health.
Sheep's Chansey fainted.
Monferno's defence was lowered.
Monferno's special defence was lowered.
Monferno lost 10% of its health.
Sheep switched in Cacturne (lvl 100 Cacturne ?).
Cacturne is fast asleep!
Monferno used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Cacturne lost 100% of its health.
Sheep's Cacturne fainted.
Shine wins!
Sheep has left the room.