I made some new adjustments to this team check it out and see what you think
The Lead/SpecialSweeper - Gardevoir♀ (Archangel) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Trace
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252SpAtk, 252Speed, 4SpDef
Gardevoir here is a trick lead, you know how it works tricks choice scarf if need be to a pokemon
and get your opponent stuck on a move while you switch or attack, if Gardevoir doesn't trick it becomes
my special sweeper which outspeeds 125 base speed pokemon with scarf. Psychic for stab, thunderbolt and HP-Ice for the old fashioned Bolt-Beam and gives tons of coverage.
The Mixed-Sweeper - Blaziken♂ (Toro) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Naive
EVs: 140Atk, 252Speed, 116SpAtk
Here is my favorite pokemon Blaziken, this is my second scarf pokemon and I know some people say that
you should only have 1 pokemon choiced but it still works out on this team so I don't find it a big deal
Overheat and Superpower for stab, Hidden Power-Ice and Thunderpunch for a boltbeam combo which helps with coverage.
The Physical Set-up Sweeper - Donphan♂ (Bulk) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 8HP, 252Atk, 248Speed
~Rock Polish
IceShard GunkShot/StoneEdge
This set is my favorite I was sitting one day and decided OH a rock polish Donphan would be good to try
so I got to work and made this set Rock Polish either on the switch or while I'm in the match, its able to
Rock Polish easily with the Focus Sash then can start sweeping, similar to a rock polishing special sweeping
Camerupt, Earthquake for stab, Ice shard for priority and seedbomb for coverage.
Physical Wall - Wailord♂ (Beluga) @ Leftovers
Ability: Oblivious
Nature: Bold
EVs: 190HP, 252Def, 66SpAtk
~HiddenPower-GrassThis set should explain it all :) I love how much HP this whale gets it has poor defenses but its HP makes up for it. Surf for stab, HP-Grass incase those pesky bulky watertypes think they can wall Beluga here, Rest for recover HP and get rid of Toxic, paralysis, burn with Sleep Talk to let Lord attack while he sleeps.
Physical Attacker - Kangaskhan♀ (Garura) @
Lum Berry Leftovers
Ability: Scrappy
Adamant ImpishEVs:
212HP, 80Atk, 216Speed 198HP,110Atk, 200DefMoves:
Since Smogon's new tier list was up I was always being walled and tormented by those evil little Spirtomb so
I decided to put in Kangaskhan to take care of them, Return for stab and extra love power, SuckerPunch for
priority and Focus Punch for coverage and kill those spiritomb as quick as possible. MegaKick is another option mostly because I don't really like return since you have to make sure the pokemons happiness is as high as it can be to have its power at its fullest
Special Sponge/Toxic Staller - Lanturn♀ (Rantan) @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
Nature: Calm
EVs: 100HP, 100Def, 252SpDef, 56SpAtk
Toxic Sleep Talk~Thunderbolt
IceBeam Surf
I've seen my friend's Lanturn in action and it absorbed special attacks pretty well so I was like hmm I think
I need one of those so my friend helped me with this Lanturn, Toxic to start the stalling process rest to recover and annoy the stuffings out of my opponent good old bolt beam of course, surf can replace Toxic or Ice Beam whichever can help Lanturn the best.