Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf/Specs
Ability: Synchronize
Modest/Timid nature
252 Sp Atk, 252 Spe, 6 Sp Def
- Psychic/Thunderbolt
- HP-Fighting/HP-Ice/HP-Fire
- Shadow Ball/Grass Knot/Thunderbolt
- Trick
This set works epically in itself. I find scarf to be the cooler option for it. Psychic is a strong STAB move, that lets you deal with annoying poison types and off hand fighters like hitmontop. The HP choice is up to what you choose in the 3rd slot. My recommendation is to go Tbolt/HP-Fire/Grass Knot, since it scores epic coverage at the cost of your STAB move. However, you can also go HP-Fighting and shadow ball to score perfect coverage and keep psychic. As well as going for Tbolt, HP-Ice, and psychich which ONCE again scores awesome coverage. The final slot is obvious.