Raichu @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Static
Modest nature
252 Sp Atk, 252 Spe, 6 HP
- Grass Knot
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice
- Surf/Focus Blast
Simple enough, scarfed revenge killer. Great for extreme late game clean up.
Raichu @ Life Orb
Ability: Static
Timid nature
252 Sp Atk, 148 Spe, 110 HP
- Wish
- Grass Knot
- Thunderbolt/Discharge
- Teeter Dance
Now here's a set I used to use a long time ago on my first ever UU team. Now it's back for another round =D Wish lets it support the team, and heal off his own Life Orb damage. Grass Knot lets him hit ground types and anything that resists Tbolt. Teeter Dance is the real pleasure of this set. Confusing the opponent lets you wish or attack with more ease. Now some of you might want to replace Tbolt with Discharge, as the chance of paralysis can work well in tandem with teeter dance's confusion. But that's up to preference. ParaFusion though, is a very annoying thing for the foe. The EV's were made so he could outrun Neutral speed natured Base 100 Pokemon. Max Sp Atk is to give him as much power as possible. The rest of the EV's were delegated into HP to give him some minor bulk.