hey all!!! im re-starting my fan fic with new pokemon and stuff so here we go! i think im gunna try to write it in first person... oh and the thing says "Jay's adventures" but its actually "Jack's adventures"
Chapter One!
Mega adventure starter!
The green pokemon threw its body against the little boulder, unfortunatley the boulder blew up...
Hey all! Im Jack, 12 years old. I should probably tell you how things got to this exploding rock so I will.
My adventure started a few days ago at my house...
I was brushing my teeth and my mom was downstairs in the kitchen. I was going to see Proffesser Elm today and i didnt want my mom to be fussing over how I looked so i climbed out the window and called through an open window,
"SEE YA MOM! IM GUNNA GO GET MY POKEMON!", and started to run. I think im a pretty avreage lookin' asian. Black hair that is usually standing up with black eyes that look brown with dark brown flecks if our looking at them in the light. Just your average asian kid...
*Earlier that day*
"hey kid! you wanna go to the city with us?"
"I would, but i gotta keep people from goin' into the grass"
"They'll be fine! lets go!"
"...Fine, i guess the people in this town are pretty smart..."
Our town is pretty small, but like most others the kids have the choice to go on an adventure with a pokemon when they turn 10. I decided to start mine a little later then most.
I walked outside and started walking west from my house, thats the direction Professor Elm's lab is.
As i was walking i started thinking about which pokemon to get. I had studied up on them with my computer, each of them had their pro's and con's.
Chikorita is a really sturdy pokemon with some high defensive stats, but its offenseive stats are just meh.
Cyndaquil has some great sp. att and speed but it cant take very many hits...
Totodile is all about the attack, but it is SLOOOW!!!
While I am thinking about the starters i feel a tickle on my calf, and reach down to scratch it. Thats when i feel the grass.
When i looked down i was surrounded by a sea of grass.
"Isn't there supposed to be some guy that keeps me from goin' out here...?" I say to myself
Then a pokemon jumps out at me. It looks like a little mouse with some really big teeth. As soon as i see those chompers i start running, but that is one speedy mouse cuz its catchin' up to me reaaally fast.
I was looking behind me keeping an eye on the little guy so i didn't see the ledge in front of me and i fell face first. That was when I saw a leaf come to life and ram into the little mouse. The two pokemon duke it out right in front of me for a few minutes before the crazy mouse falls to the ground.
"HEEEEY!!! HEY HEY HEY!!!!" I heard a familiar voice yelling at me. I turned around and see a dude in a lab coat running towards me.
"HEY! THATS MY CHIKORITA!!" He yells. I look at the leaf and finally recognize it as a Chikorita. I walk towards the Chikorita and talk to it and pet it until the lab coat guy gets to me.
"HI! Looks like you found my Chikorita. I'm Professor Elm." he said
"Hi. I'm Jack. I was just on my way to your lab, but i got lost in thought, and ended up out here. That Chikorita just saved me."
"Well, just follow me then. I'll show you to my lab."
At the lab the prof. and I talk a little bit about starters and that Chikorita. He told me that it was special because it is female and that one of his assistants tried feeding the Chikorita and came in contact with it. In response the Chikorita leaped out a window. He explained that this particular Chikorita was always having problems making friends.
"So which starter do you want?" Prof. Elm asked me.
"Well, i was gunna get totodile, but after hearing about that Chikorita I really liked it and it seemed to like me. So can i have that particular Chikorita?" I asked
"AAH! good choice!. So... Do you want to nickname your Chikorita?"
"...Dude, you sound like a video game or something, but I wanna name her Claire." I told him.
"Here you go. Most people keep their pokemon in their pokeballs, but some people like their pokemon alot and keep them out next to them." He told me.
"C'mon Claire lets go!"