As many of you know moveset buidling and pokemon line scripting is my favorite part of pokemon. The complication involved in making a moveset has many people dumbfounded and a little reluctant. Ive recently been getting chain requests on moveset help, and though i would love to just tell u the wouldnt be much fun. Frankly, I enjoy moveset challenges and it's complicated unique sets. People often talk about using my movesets or asking me for them and Ive been thinking....that thats pretty stupid, coming up with a moveset is the most fun of all strategy anticipation and just pure gusto!
I have a few things to mention about movesent building, first and foremost keep in mind if you are making a physical sweeper/length killer status dealer special sweeper or physical special or dual wall
I have tackled trying to help people with movesets and i find people try too hard to make their pokemon "hybrids" now...hybrids can be extremely effective nothing unnerves the pros more than being faced down with a lucario knowing it can be a special attk lucario or an attack lucario or a HYBRID.
Pokemon Types Explained
Physical Dealer
A physical dealer, named damagers or w/e among other things... are pokemon that rely on ATTACK as there damaging stat... for example...GARCHOMP isnt much in SP.ATTACK to compare to it's massive ATTACK stat...with that you can bet garchomp is gonna sport some impressive physical attacks . DRAGON CLAW or OUTRAGE or EARTHQUAKE are moves frequently held by a GARCHOMP none of these are special based attacks and are all physically based. as such you wont want a garchomp using dragon pulse as it's sole source of jsut doesnt work...
Special Dealer
Ah, now the special dealers...again they are just pokemon who rely on SP.ATTACK as there predominant Damage stat...for example! kingdra! boy do i love my kingdra has made a name for itselfby wasting away pokemon by abusing DRACO MEEETEOOOOOR! (had to say it) well... this is a great example of a SP.ATTACK user... Kingdra in this sense sports a heavy hit of it's type. again you dont want an outrage on Kingdra unless it is a physical dealing Kingdra not both outrage and draco meteor but one or the other here...
Hm...THESE ARE AWESOME total tanks dude...walls are pokemon designed to take a hit more than anthing examples of these are SNORLAX MILOTIC BLISSEY and MANTINE ( sorry i mostly reference to pokemon i have since i know most about those)...well theres noting more frustrating than hitting a pokemon over and over again hoping it goes down. It is even worse when they dont...Personally making effective walls is something i love to do...wehn working with Mono walls like blissey and milotic who are greatly lacking in DEF make the weakness a bit of a priority....
train accordingly and plan accordingly.
Status Buffs
Well, everyone hates a status buff...pokemon like dusknoir and spirittomb sporting things to delay weaken and cripple pokemon... pokemon built to last and built to deter battle into ones will want defensive stats here and HP as well with some exceptions.
Anyway...i'll finish this tomorrow lol for now...SLEEP!