Hitmonchan @ Leftovers/Muscle Band
Ability: Iron Fist
Adamant nature (+Atk, -Sp Atk)
252 Atk, 148 Spe, 110 HP
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Pursuit/Stone Edge/Mach Punch
- Thunder/Ice/Fire Punch
This set takes advantage of one of hitmonchans best selling point. Primarily it's access to the strongest base power focus punch in the enire metagame. With STAB it's already at 225 base power, but backed up by Iron Fist, it turns into a death defying base 270 base power. The only things stronger than that are lickilicky/smeargle's explosion, snorlax's selfdestruct, and adaptability porygon-z's hyper beam/giga impact. The EV's are placed so you outrun standard dragon dancing feraligatr before they ddance, allowing you to setup an unhindered sub. The 3rd slot is a toss up. Pursuit lets you hit fleeing opponents somewhat hard, but usually isn't all that great as it is. Stone Edge can help with flying types that'll try to give you hell. But Mach Punch is perfect, in the sense that it gets STAB and iron fist + priority. Mach Punch is the definite choice for the lower tiers if your team doesn't run SR on it. Since Focus Punch only has a slim chance of OHKO'ing feraligatr, so mach punch makes it good to defeat it and keep your sub up. The final slot is another toss up. It all depends on the rest of your team really.