Octillery @ Life Orb
Abiliy: Sniper
Mild nature
42 Atk, 216 Spe, 252 Sp Atk
- Ice Beam
- Surf
- Seed Bomb
- ThunderWave/Payback/Flamethrower
Mix Sweeper Octillery. The given Spe EV's put you just ahead of neutral speed natured Base 40's (Think Rhyperior) Ice Beam lets you cover grass types such as leafeon and meganium. Surf is for hitting rhyperior harder than waterfall would. It's also good for hitting claydol and hippowdon, as people usually have them as physical walls anyway. Seed Bomb lets you hit golem, relicanth, gastrodon, water types in general really. The final slot is for preference uses. Twave provide a way to stop a would-be counter to octillery by paralyzing them. Then suddenly you are faster. Payback can be used to hit psychic types harder than the other moves. Flamethrower is mainly for OU play where scizor is king.
Charging Octo
Octillery @ Leftovers
Ability: Suction Cups
Modest nature
252 Sp Atk, 216 Spe, 42 HP
- Substitute
- Charge Beam
- Surf
- Ice Beam
In this set Octillery attempts to utilize 2 big selling points. Suction Cups and Charge Beam. Suction Cups stops pokemon from roaring and whirlwinding him out. Again, the Spe EV's put you past max speed neutral base 40's. Substitute protects you from status, and gives you added security for his subpar defensive statistics. Charge Beam boosts the power of his already handsome special attack stat, and works well with ice beam as providing excellent coverage with a (P)BoltBeam combination. Surf is your primary mode of attacking, and all 3 types resistant to water (Water, Grass, and Dragon) are hit Super Effectively by charge beam or Ice Beam.
Trick Room Octo
Octillery @ Life Orb
Ability: Sniper
Quiet nature
252 Sp Atk, 32 HP, 226 Atk
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power Fighting
- Seed Bomb/Payback
For my final trick, I am going to give you a set that turns octillery into an effective trick room revenge killer. Surf will be your main mode of attack, hitting standard claydols harder than waterfall would. Ice Beam hits meganium and leafeon relatively hard. HP-Fighting hits normal types for nice damage, as well as being strong against dark types that can withstand your never ending onslaught. The final slot is for your preferences. Seed Bomb hits quagsire and Gastrodon extremely hard, however, Payback has almost unresisted coverage alongside HP-Fighting. EV's provide you with 11 uses of the Life Orb.
Personally though, i'll always find cacturne to do better in the sweeping department than octillery.